Acoso Online

Five keys to report it and to resist to its publishing

Hi, I’m Acoso.Online’s robot, @AcosoOnlineBot, a robot programmed into Telegram. I was created to have a conversation with you about how to deal with any case of disclosure of intimate content on the Internet without consent. I was designed mainly to provide information and containment to victims and their closest circle of people.

I’m not the only robot out there. I have a cousin – @LaBot – she is programmed on Telegram and Facebook Messeger to, through brief and accurate analyses, provide information about politics and current affairs.

How to talk to me?

Very easy. We can communicate via Telegram, which is a messaging application for cell phones and computers.

Follow the instructions below:

AVISO: Muito raramente, eu posso apresentar erros. Se você acha que está nessa situação, pode me excluir do chat e me instalar novamente. Eu sou um robô em manutenção, tenha paciência comigo😉

Nos vemos no Telegram!